Using Perfect Keylogger

Perfect Keylogger is very easy to use - just install and run it! Here is a description of the menu commands.

It can be fully hidden from the user, including:

Perfect Keylogger encrypts its log file, and it cannot be viewed using any other application, except Perfect Keylogger.

You can set the password for log viewing to prevent undesired access to the log. Keylogger can work in the fully invisible mode, if you set appropriate options.

If you want to log keyboard input of certain applications only, you can specify the target application on the  targets page.

With Perfect Keylogger you can easy carry out visual surveillance.

Log Viewer

Use Log Viewer for viewing log records for a selected day or date range. Select "View the Log" command in the Perfect Keylogger menu to invoke it.

Click the day you want to examine.

You can drag the mouse to select a date range.

Select the mode you want to use: viewing keystrokes, screenshots or websites, then review the results.

Log Viewer Commands:

Open Log - click to select the folder containing logs. For example, you can receive these logs from remotely installed Perfect Keylogger by e-mail.

Save log as - saves currently displayed records to a file. Supported format: HTML;

Close - close Perfect Log Viewer;

Find - finds specified text;

Delete these records - removes records for selected date range;

Show entire log- check to view entire log contents.

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