Frequently asked questions

Question Answer
Does Perfect Keylogger work with any version of Windows?

The latest version works with Windows 2000 and higher, up to Windows 7.

The latest builds are not compatible with Windows 9.x, but you can use older versions from our website.

I have Windows 7, and I cannot find how to run my keylogger after installation Windows 7 has a new popup system tray, containing all mini-icons. It's hidden by default, and you need to click a small arrow to show it. You should find the icon there, if not - make sure you ran the progam after the installation. If you would like to have the icon to be always placed on a taskbar, you can drag it from the popup tray to the taskbar.
What about antiviruses, I know that almost all keyloggers are detectable now. Unfortunately, some antiviruses or antispyware programs can detect and even damage  Perfect Keylogger without any notices. Usually it is possible to configure your antivirus or antispyware program to accept Perfect Keylogger.
If you have any problems with keylogger in Windows Vista/7, try to add it to Allowed Items of Windows Defender, also add keylogger's folder to Exclusions list of your antivirus.
My keylogger doesn't log some keystrokes in Windows Vista or Windows 7! What can I do? Windows Vista and Windows 7 have multi-level security restrictions, which are blocking some monitoring features.
Try to disable UAC (User Account Control) in Windows Vista/7. Click Start button, type msconfig in a search field and run msconfig.exe.
Find 'Disable UAC' line in Tools section, press Launch button and restart your PC. Your keylogger must start to work correctly. Also UAC can be turned off via Contol Panel > User Accounts and Family Safety.
The system will display a security warning about UAC, but that warning can be easily suppressed in Security Center settings.
Keylogger does not log keystrokes in Internet Explorer  in Windows Vista/7! The only way to get it working is to disable Protected mode in Internet Explorer or to disable UAC. Internet Explorer will warn you that "Protected mode is turned off", but those warnings also can be turned off.
How can I make keylogger invisible for the firewall program? You have to configure FTP settings and enable "Stealth uploading using Internet Explorer" option. Then keylogger will upload the logs using IE and it will be transparent for the firewall.
For Windows Vista/7 that option is not available.
How can I configure my keylogger to send the reports to my email address? You need to know the SMTP settings of your email account. That's usually available on the FAQ webpage of your email service provider. Some email services may block keylogger's reports, so if you cannot get it working, try some other service, or use FTP instead of email. For more details, please contact our support.
I don't want Perfect Keylogger to place its icon in the System Tray. You can hide the Perfect Keylogger tray icon and use it in the invisible mode. Check Options > General > Don't show program icon at startup option (to restore, use hotkey- Ctrl+Alt+L by default).
I need to install keylogger on another computer as fast as possible, how can I do it?

Use Remote Installation Wizard to create a deployment package for instant installation.

How do I uninstall Perfect Keylogger if I have removed it from the Start menu and from uninstall list? Click "Uninstall keylogger" link in the "Options" window.
I want to use Perfect Keylogger for each user of the PC. How can I do this?

Perfect Keylogger allows to monitor all users of the PC. Just install it inside administrator's account, enable "Run at startup" checkbox, go to "Users" page in options and choose "Run for all users" option.

When Perfect Keylogger is running, I can't type the words with accent characters. Try to change the state of the option "Use progressive method of keystrokes interception" on the Logging tab.
I want Perfect Keylogger enabled in the specified programs only. Add this program to target programs  list.
The program is just not working or working strange or unstable, I don't know what to do! The reason of most performance problems and strange behavior are antivirus/antispyware tools, which are fighting with all keyloggers. Please contact our support for actual recommendations.